SWOT Analysis Template

If you would like to complete a SWOT analysis for your own upcoming objective, download one of my free printable SWOT Analysis Template PDFs and get started right away. A SWOT Analysis Example has also been included as a reference.

What is SWOT Analysis?

SWOT stands for “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.” A thorough SWOT Analysis can help you and your business discover unseen potential and risks when pursuing a new project or objective.

A SWOT Analysis matrix is divided into 4 boxes labeled Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Strengths – Factors that are an attribute of your organization (Internal Origin) and are helpful to achieving your objective.

Weaknesses – Factors that are an attribute of your organization (Internal Origin) and are harmful to achieving your objective.

Opportunities – Factors that are an attribute outside your organization (External Origin) and are helpful to achieving your objective.

Threats – Factors that are an attribute outside your organization (External Origin) and are harmful to achieving your objective.

Once you have filled out the SWOT Analysis Template, take some time to reflect over each item your have written down. Often they are relatively abstract ideas (Example: Strong Marketing Ability) which do not naturally lead to a specific action. Write down a few specific actions that can be taken based on each SWOT item. From there you can build a logical series of actions to help your achieve your objectives and complete your project.

SWOT Analysis Templates

free swot analysis template
Blank SWOT Analysis Template – PDF
swot analysis template
SWOT Analysis Template with Lines for Writing – PDF
blank swot analysis template
SWOT Analysis Template – Color PDF

SWOT Analysis Example

Below I’ve provided a SWOT Analysis example, wherein the a small book publisher’s objective publish a new fiction book.

swot analysis example
SWOT Analysis Example – PDF

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